
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fixing Google Talk on Ubuntu 10.10

what it looks like on my screen..
I love the unified chat/broadcast/email bits that are integrated into the main menu bar of Ubuntu 10.10 Marvelous Merkin.  For some reason tho, the current Google Talk settings don't work right out of the box.  Here's what you have to do, once you've got the chat app running:
  • In your contact list window, select Accounts from the Edit menu.
  • Click once on your busted Google Talk settings icon (on the left).
  • Click the triangle to expand the "Advanced" settings.
  • For "Server," supply ""
  • Leave the "Port" at the default, "5223."
  • Click to add a check to the "Use old SSL" option.
  • Click "Apply" and it should log you in just fine, now.

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