
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Installing the Ubuntu 10.10 Beta

Sometimes a product manager says "hey, why not?" and you don't have a good answer.  So you implement it.

I just kicked off an install of the beta of Ubuntu 10.10 Marvelous Merkin on my netbook and it does some things in parallel that totally make sense, but you never thought of it.  It starts partitioning your drive and copying files *before* it asks your timezone and keyboard layout -- it asks those configuration bits *while* mucking with your disks.  "Why not?"  Oh, did I mention, I'm writing this post on my netbook while Ubuntu is installing in the background?  This is a really subtle, but really kewl difference between this and other OS installs.  A focus on making your computer useful ...  even while you're installing a whole operating system.  I like it!

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